Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Wisdom and Luminescens

It's a gorgeous night in our neighbourhood in Port au Prince.  Noticeably more luminescent every night featuring an increasingly large ball of moon.  After at least 15 nights of challenging nights, I am feeling that this is going to be a good one.    After a few frantic hours this morning punctuated by on-the-hour-doses of blue and black cohosh, I decided to give myself and babe permission to not deliver the baby before Friday which is the day Stephanie leaves.   As it turns out as much as I like and CAN make things happen is as much as I LOVE the surprise and intricacy of natural cycles is as much as I LOVE it that this babe has it's own plan for landing on the earth with the rest of us.     THANK YOU for THINKING and PRAYING for us.  
So far since we've been in Port, we've enjoyed many moments including:   hanging out with friends (planned and running into people we know, swimming, eating greens, privacy : ), dancing Haitian folklore at the gym (be still my beating heart...folklore is AWESOME pregnant and pretty much impossible to do while holding a baby), belly painting, walking & not driving (!!!!!!!!), mangoes.   These gifts are many already and give us energy (in particular greens & folklore) to imagine returning to Cap Haitian on Friday.   To Imagine.   I'm already negotiating with Matt our three weeks in Cap, one week out.   (I so miss the bustle-ing and metropolitan life of Port au Prince.)     

One of the other ripe Mamas, Myrielle, IS IN LABOUR at Heartline as I write.   Every baby born at Heartline is another baby going home with her more empowered MAMA and family.   

Somehow green paint got onto the lens of the camera...how else would it have got on a mango?     

1 comment:

Stacey Ayars said...

no watermelon baby any more! Esther..and Matt...and Gabriella, and Niko...SO happy for you guys and so grateful to see all our prayers answered for a healthy deliver and a healthy baby boy! Congrats!!

The night you were in labor I was over watching all the kids for a few moments, and Gabriella and Niko were watching a movie. They weren't talking or anything, but when I looked over the couch, I realized the two of them had death grips on each other's hand, and it touched my mama's heart to see them love and care for each other.

You've got a beautiful family! Congrats!