Hola Wisdom,
The timeline looks like this:
January 2nd- Haiti independence day.
July 1st- Canada Day
July 2nd- Gabriela turns 6
sometime in early July- your conception date
July 28- I figured out we are pregnant
July 30th- Google says your due date is April 4th
August 1st- your parents 14 year anniversary of XOXX
August 8th- we get our Extracycle bike in the post
mid-August- we take a nearly 270 km family bike trip from Winnipeg, Manitoba to Boissevain, Manitoba
September 23- we fly to Haiti
September 30th- we tell Oma & Opa and Grandma & Grandpa that we're having a baby
October 4th- your Mama turns 37
October 10th- Niko turns 3
November __ - 3 consecutive days of rain in Cap Haitian. 7 people die in the rushing water and flooding.
early December- we decide to leave Haiti in January
December 31- Melissa Jonas does an ultrasound for us. You keep kicking the probe that makes us see you.
late December- we decide to stay in Haiti until at least your birth
January 10th- you and me run 2.6 miles with Run for Life Haiti
February 1st- an OBGYN in Port au Prince does an ultrasound on you. His machine says you're due March 21st because of the size of your head and femur. I encourage the doc to look at me and my head and my femur. We are long people with big heads, afterall.
February 1st- I start to wonder about your due date because of the femur and because I was never really happy with the conception date Google stated.
February- Stephanie confirms her plans to visit us and the police in Haiti
March 7- Oma comes to visit bearing diapers
March 22- I read on Google that A SPERM REALLY CAN HANG OUT IN THE FALLOPIAN TUBE before getting fertilized. I heard this in high school figured it wasn't true anymore since that was 20 years ago : }
March 24- we travel to Port au Prince and pick up Stephanie at the airport
March 24-28- we all have a lovely time in Port au Prince : )
March 25- we, your parents, agree on baby names for boy and girl WISDOM(E) is your middle name.
March 27- full moon on a cloudy night
March 28- I admit to myself that I actually was trying to people-please by birthing you on a schedule. I CALL OFF ALL NATURAL METHODS OF INDUCTION. We go hiking and take Stephanie along and have a great time.
(photo coming when EDH turns the power back on)
I'm watching your page and praying!
Sounds and looks like you're having too much fun to have a baby yet!
See you when you get back to CAP.
Blessings, Susan
Thank you Susan. We headed back to Cap Haitian today and ran into a manifestation around Pont Sonday. So, lucky for us, we're staying the night in Dezam : ) : >
How's Cap? It rained a couple nights in Port, how about there?
How was break for the kids and Mr. R?
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