Thursday, March 28, 2013


Hola Wisdom,  

The timeline looks like this:

January 2nd- Haiti independence day. 
July 1st- Canada Day
July 2nd- Gabriela turns 6 
sometime in early July- your conception date
July 28- I figured out we are pregnant
July 30th- Google says your due date is April 4th 
August 1st- your parents 14 year anniversary of XOXX
August 8th- we get our Extracycle bike in the post
mid-August- we take a nearly 270 km family bike trip from Winnipeg, Manitoba to Boissevain, Manitoba  
September 23- we fly to Haiti
September 30th- we tell Oma & Opa and Grandma & Grandpa that we're having a baby 
October 4th- your Mama turns 37
October 10th- Niko turns 3
November __ - 3 consecutive days of rain in Cap Haitian.   7 people die in the rushing water and flooding.  
early December- we decide to leave Haiti in January
December 31- Melissa Jonas does an ultrasound for us.   You keep kicking the probe that makes us see you.  
late December- we decide to stay in Haiti until at least your birth
January 10th- you and me run 2.6 miles with Run for Life Haiti
February 1st- an OBGYN in Port au Prince does an ultrasound on you.  His machine says you're due March 21st because of the size of your head and femur.   I encourage the doc to look at me and my head and my femur.   We are long people with big heads, afterall.  
February 1st- I start to wonder about your due date because of the femur and because I was never really happy with the conception date Google stated.
February- Stephanie confirms her plans to visit us and the police in Haiti
March 7- Oma comes to visit bearing diapers
March 22- I read on Google that A SPERM REALLY CAN HANG OUT IN THE FALLOPIAN TUBE before getting fertilized.   I heard this in high school figured it wasn't true anymore since that was 20 years ago : }   
March 24- we travel to Port au Prince and pick up Stephanie at the airport
March 24-28- we all have a lovely time in Port au Prince : ) 
March 25- we, your parents, agree on baby names for boy and girl   WISDOM(E) is your middle name.  
March 27- full moon on a cloudy night
March 28- I admit to myself that I actually was trying to people-please by birthing you on a schedule.   I CALL OFF ALL NATURAL METHODS OF INDUCTION.   We go hiking and take Stephanie along and have a great time.

(photo coming when EDH turns the power back on)     


Susan Rakoczy said...

I'm watching your page and praying!
Sounds and looks like you're having too much fun to have a baby yet!

See you when you get back to CAP.
Blessings, Susan

greatspirit said...

Thank you Susan. We headed back to Cap Haitian today and ran into a manifestation around Pont Sonday. So, lucky for us, we're staying the night in Dezam : ) : >

How's Cap? It rained a couple nights in Port, how about there?

How was break for the kids and Mr. R?