Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Niko speaks

Actually he talks w/o are several recent comments:
-I like sharks now Mama!!! And I like onions.
-I am a pet dragon. I don't have fire coming out of my mouth because I am a nice dragon so you can pet me...I won't put fire on you.
-(While I cut bamboo for the chicken coop.) I can cut bamboo with a saw Mama. Is that amazed (amazing) Mama? (Clearly here he hasn't figured out that he's not me yet : )
-Can you ask the people to stop calling out blan blan blan? (If only that worked !!!!!)

From the big sister
-while getting a ride into Cap today from a student (at her school) and his Mom and their driver in their immaculate Prado, Gabriela leans in and whispers in my ear: "Are these people from Spanish? Because their car smells bad!" (The folks are the same colour as Gabriela and were speaking Creole the whole time ????)

- I only like Barbie. I don't like my black Barbie, and I don't like Aboriginals!

Saturday, November 24, 2012