A quick update from us:
- Most of our posts lately have been baby related BECAUSE WE LOVE OUR BABY!. Being pregnant, giving birth and actually having Niko in our lives has been pretty all-consuming but we are really enjoying it. Niko is doing great, growing, healthy and happy!
- We are still trying to raise money for the Heartline Women's centre. We would be really honoured if you would make a donation, big or small, to this centre which provides critical pre-natal and birth services to poor Haitian women. We have set a goal of $5000 and quite a number of you wrote us and said you would donate - THANKS!
- My (Matt) parents arrive today! This is their third time coming to Haiti (4th for my mom!) and we are grateful to be in Haiti where many people have been able to visit. Won't you come too??
- Haiti remains interesting as always. Many people have been talking about how Haiti is at a crossroads, how there is unprecedented hope for Haiti right now. I think a lot of that is true, BUT, it appears that the government is going to fall this week. Some politicians are upset with the Prime Minister's track record thus far and apparantly she is being summoned for a non-confidence vote. She may resign to avoid having to face that embarassment. Either way, if she goes down, the government goes down. That means political, social and economic chaos, again. It is very frustrating after seeing a lot of positive signs the past 2 years in Haiti to be contemplating heading back down the path to turmoil.
Breathing deeply, here in Haiti.