If we don't talk, the rocks will talk!
Gabriela, Martha, and I spent a week in Ti Plas (North-East near Anse Rouge) to participate in a workshop by Bread and Puppet hosted by the organization AMURT. Bread and Puppet is art & theatre group from Vermont that does peace education through stories, dance, music, puppets, and love. I don't have the words to express the power of this peace movement not what they did so much as what they inspired in us and WE DID TOGETHER. (I'm having shivers writing this!) We spent 3 days preparing our props and then took to the streets in nearby Sous Chòd on their market day.

We were the sides of a big boat with this written on it: Si nou pa pale, wòch yo ap pale (if we don't talk, the rocks are going to talk) from a song that we sang as we sailed through the market. Bread and Puppet shared with us the tools of peace education using the theme we chose for Haiti: food. MCC Dezam is also organizing a peaceful march for May 1st where many have been invited to walk together with djakouts (bags hand-woven from a local palm tree) filled with the bounty of Haiti, mangoes, sugar cane, rice etc. I heard a podcast this morning about a guy who ate 31 different animals in a month in part as a way to reconnect with the food we eat. Then on the 7:30 CBC satellite news, I heard that the World Bank is discouraging big countries to export so much food to countries like Haiti. I am SO excited about the future for our children. And I'm planning a trip to visit Bread and Puppet in Vermont- probably not this summer but next. Come with! see Bread and Puppet at:
http://www.breadandpuppet.org and AMURT at:
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