Friday, February 15, 2013

After two days and nights of rain or threats of rain, the sky is clear in all directions, calm, and absolutely glorious.   But you my dear have been reminding me all day of the earthquake.   When the earthquake reached our little house in Pètionville it was a low rumble that reverberated through the earth until it reached the floor under our feet.   For less than 30 seconds we watched the earthquake make everything around us tremble. 
You are deep within me
in water
in good rhythm
your bony elbows and knees jutting up against my skin
like the jagged mountains that characterize this island  
allowing us to see you from the outside
Today I am in awe of your presence within me.  Several times today I just had to stop doing anything to let you move.  I am also and suddenly reaching this point where I’m wondering how are you going to get out of here.    I am hoping for little earthquakes and a few medium-sized ones too.   I don’t mean real earthquakes and I don’t mean to make light about the January 2010 earthquake that was fatal for hundreds of thousands.   I just mean contractions.   I mean life force.   Feeling life force. 

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