Wednesday, January 16, 2013


Dear Wisdom, now that you are kicking inside me and the whole neighbourhood is watching you grow daily as we walk or ride by, I know that there are what will only feel like a handful of days left to write before my hands will be holding you instead of hovering over this keyboard.   You are 28 and a half weeks old, so the BabyCenter's e-mails tell me and if I remembered better how long you are expected to be in there for (40 weeks?), I could calculate how many days approximately you might be kicking inside yet, but I'm not ready for that yet.  I am not impatient for you (to come out).   You are already here.   I want these days to savour you just where you are, to marvel at your flexibility, to be grateful that you are so well-packaged up, to get to be kissed too when you're older siblings are kissing you through the skin of my belly as they do spontaneously, to talk to you from the inside, to feel the curviness that you've granted my lower spine.      

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