Niko's found his way into the ricebowl with the rest of us. Whenever he's hungry, he walks around saying: "Where me whice?"
Among other Niko-isms, there's "Bambino, ale" (Bambino is the white dog in a previous photo) which apparently means "Bambino, stay here while I yell at you, ride you, and hit you with any long object I currently have in my hands, when we get on a mototaxi and the driver takes off, Niko says: Mama, sigh, moto-driver going faster and the other day, he asked the maid: "Kote Mama? Kote Papa?" (Kote is Where"). But WHY is the most popular word coming out of Niko's mouth. This morning before 6 AM, I woke up to: why sleeping Mama? followed immediately with "Wake up, Mamaaaa" followed with "Why get up, Mama?" I said, kiss me Niko, so he did, followed by: "Why kish Mama?" because I love you, "Why wuv me, Mama?" because you're my boy..."Why boy, Mama?" Anyways, I got to run the kid is literally playing with the matches I just bought at the Marche.
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