Gabriela's birth day!
July 2, 2006 Haitians don't celebrate their birthdays, at least not the Haitians in our favourite place in Haiti (Dezam) and/or not the way we celebrate birthdays here in the North with invitations, gifts, and cake. It's not like they don't have parties: weddings, baptisms, funerals, New Year's, Easter etc. These are generally big fun organized events that people save up for. But what Haitians do even better is SHARE the party (maybe a birthday is just a bit too one-person-centered). That means not just SHARING the cake (or rice or pumpkin soup) but sharing the planning, the preparation, the eating, the music, the happiness with everyone within a kilometer (b/c that's at least how loud the music is) and leaving space for the forces of the universe and the gas gods who determine how long the generator is going to keep chugging to keep the music and lights going. So, keeping neither Haitian or Canadian traditions or perhaps both : ) we've decided to
share Gabriela's party with everyone, wherever they are, intentionally letting whatever happens happen to just be together, without just making OUR OWN perfect plan-- more of a spontaneous thing focused on being together. This year, for Gabriela's birthday, it was our GREAT honour to spend Gabriela's birthday with GREAT OMA in Grimsby, Ontario with some Christmas candles and some kind of cake we found in Oma's fridge. Thank you OMA ! OMA helped Gabriela blow out her candles and a week later blew out her own birthday candles, 89 of them!!!
Something else happened to me the week leading up to July 2nd. I felt a deep sadness for Gabriela's biological Mama. I hope and pray that we can share Gabriela's birthday and other days with her in our future. In the meantime I grieve the distance we are from her.
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