G E M's on tour...(We're so excited to see you all but we want to take it kind of chill because we're not used to the weather not to mention Canada, white people, and lunch that isn't rice and bean sauce and my driver's license is expired- if you want to see us, PLEASE let us know: greatspirit@fastmail.fm and we'll love to make a plan with you! )
May 14- G&E arrive in K-W
19-June 20- Esther: YTT (Yoga Teacher Training) 200 hour intensive.
Gabriela: hanging out with Eily, Matthew, Kaia, their parents other friends in K-W
Saturday May 24-visit great OMA (deLange) at Evergreen Terrace- if there are others in the area who want to meet us here, we are thinking about renting a room for the day, or just finding a park in Grimsby, let us know.
late June- travel to Winnipeg to spend Canada Day and Gabriela's birthday (July 2nd) with Jennifer, Zavi, and Will etc.
early July- meet Matt (finally) in Vancouver to meet Ronin, Audrey, and Charlotte, and spend time with them and their parents
mid-July- travel to a small town in Colorado to visit our friend Tanya Black (who was in our wedding) and her family Paul, Saffire, and Krimzin
later July- travel to Sarnia to Oma and Opa, the beach, bikerides
b/f mid-August- St. Catherines, Fonthill (to meet Isabel), Toronto
later August- back home to Haiti