Monday, February 28, 2005

Check us out . . . Online!

Hey all,

Well, spare time comes and goes with our busy schedule of visiting tree
nurseries, school classrooms, other parts of the country and more . . . and
it just so happens we had a little spare time recently to put together a
blog (website) with some stories and pictures.

It's not a big thing really, most of the written stuff is stuff you've
probably received by email already. We'll post those there when we send
them, but we also hope to post additional things too. There are also
pictures, which we won't be sending by email (unless you're signed up for
the Super Duper Matt and Esther Fan Club) - so DO check out the pictures
there for sure. As you all know, a picture tells a whole different story.

So, without any further ado, we hereby officially announce our blog site.

You can find it at:

Please let us know what you think!

Sending you all our Caribbean love and warmth,

Matt and Esther

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