Thursday, May 24, 2007

The Little Goat

Here's a little tree just planted by these 5 eco-activists (students in the MCC-supported enviro-ed. program) from the town of Lejan. Planting is part 1. Part 2 is protecting from animals, in particular, the goat.

Most Haitians have nicknames, including our little Gabriela. We call her Gabri or "Kabrit" or "ti Kabrit" which means little goat. Here's the little Gabriela goat. . . will she make it through the homemade barrier to this little mahogany tree?

Sunday, May 06, 2007

the maestros of Dezam

soo here's something new-- Gabriela and Matt stayed in Port a day while I travelled back to Dezam to co-facilitate with Nahomie and Frantzo our last Fòmasyon Pwofesè Anviwònman (Environment Teacher's Training) so I had no one to film but everyone but Gabriela. For our trainings, the teachers become their students so we do everything w/ them that they will do w/ their students. Last year we were the water cycle; this year
I asked the teachers(students) to write songs w/ at least these 6 words in them:
1. sun
2. cloud
3. rain
4. river
5. roots
6. tree

Of course, I provided the first example, using the melody of the "Im Nasyonal" (National Anthem) which by the way is really has great words I'd love to teach you sometime, but for today we MCCers (Nahomie- whose natural musical talents are not fairly represented here, Frantzo, and me) are up first and then the teachers take it away with their own song composed in 5 mintues.

Saturday, May 05, 2007

Thursday, May 03, 2007

Breaking News from Haiti

Breaking News: Something Happening In Haiti

Cool Photography Project in Haiti

Just stumbled across a pretty interesting photography project going on with students here in Haiti.
Here is an excerpt from the website