Monday, February 26, 2007

Saturday, February 17, 2007

Gabriela Eats Sugarcane

Esther's parents have arrived and we went for a walk today to see some gardens near our house, including our colleague Jean Remy's sugar cane garden. We all sat in the shade eating sugar cane and Gabriela felt a little left out. So, here she is, sucking on her first piece of sugar cane.

Gabriela and Esther Laughing

Sunday, February 04, 2007

Looking out, looking back.

Looking out, looking back., originally uploaded by Gabriela Dora.

We recently took a trip up above Port au Prince to an area called Kenscoff. It's lovely and cool, a nice break from the heat and dirtiness of Port au Prince. Kurt, another MCCer and I, are looking out over a valley filled with small mountainside farms. Gabriela is looking back at Esther.

We're back

Well, it's been quite a while since we've posted. To learn what has been going on the last six months, go over to

Gabriela has been keeping us busy and there have been lots of ups and downs. We celebrate the ups and are working through the downs. Thanks for your support!

Our work with MCC continues to go well. The new tree planting season is just starting. January and February are the first few months for the tree nurseries to get organized, get materials prepared and start planting seeds. This will all culminate in June with the eventual distribution of more than 400,000 trees. The school program is also going well and we have added 4 new school this past year.

Anyway, this is just a quick update. We hope to get back into blogging a bit more. Don't forget to check out our picture site on flickr too -

Blessings to you all.

Matt and Esther