Monday, May 07, 2012

Haiti's heart

I have two lines of thought around the beauty and shire joy of some aspects of life here:
1. I just think this is fun because I have money, education, a half of a mattress to sleep on and an at least half liberated husband : )
2. There is joy to be had in regular Haitian life. Joy might just be inherent in Haitian culture and/or might just pop up more easily in places where sharing (stuff and experiences) is essential to survival.
Anyways, having just come back to this lovely place after 6 nights away from Port au Prince (3 away from Haiti) , I've been re-experiencing some of my favorite things here! Ah hem

- mangoes- not from the Marche or supermarket but the 3 mangoes your neighbour brings back from an overnight trip to the countryside for an unexpected funeral. She hands them to me and says they are green and then these sweet sweet words that make us salivate like dogs "manje a couteau" you can eat them with a knife. Green. Firm. Transcendent orange. Juice. God sure knew what he was doing when creating mangoes (that's what Matt always says between mangoes)
- while on the topic of food, Haitian chicken &@!!!!*+**!!!! Seriously, sooooo delesh. I asked Andrena the butcher/cooker/cleaner/ironer/Mama in crime/friend if she could get one every two weeks but I've been sneaking one in just about every week under one excuse or the other...Niko's getting a cold so I want to make chicken soup.?
- we'll be THRILLED to see you whenever you show up (no logistics required). After I taught my yoga class tonight I stopped at my former favorite supermarket...I almost didn't go because I knew that everyone that works there would be upset because I didn't have TiLolo with me. (TiLolo is the name one of the 10+ staff picked out for Niko before he was even the the light of day.) And they were mad at me! Why didn't you bring Ti Lolo, they asked, we were with him from the time he was in your belly, why haven't you brought him to see us??!! Their pleas were so convincing that I did feel bad tonight and wouldn't think of going again without TiLolo. Come anytime! We'll be here and we'll host an instant party that makes you feel like a moviestar. Sure, it's partly b/c I'm white that people remember me but it's mostly that people here love people.
- electrocuting mosquitoes with an electric badminton racket shouldn't feel this good

More coming when the sun rises!!!

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